Friday, April 24, 2020

US President Donald Trump Suggest Injecting People with Disinfectant to Treat Covid-19

US president Donald Trump has suggests treating Covid-19 using disinfectant and exposing the patients to UV light.

He said that since the virus  dies quickly when exposed to disinfectants, why don't doctors try injecting the patients with the disinfectants in the lungs in order to combat the pandemic.

It is true that using a disinfectant can kill the virus but that works on surfaces and there is no guarantee that the same will work inside the body. Plus, medical experts have warned people against using that method because it can lead to poisoning.and death.

Doctors have aired their concerns on the issue warning people not to try to ingest disinfectants, this is because people might take the US president serious not knowing that he always jokes, and especially on serious matters.

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