Sunday, April 26, 2020

No Corona Patients in Wuhan Hospitals

China is claiming that there are no Corona patients in Wuhan hospitals. Wuhan being the origin of the virus, has no hospitalized patients, claimed china's government officials on Sunday.

Wuhan was the first city go through a complete lockdown as its hospitals flooded with an overwhelming number of Corona patients.

Government officials reported 46,452 Corona infections and 3,869 deaths although critics are claiming that that number is way too low. It is believed that the figures could be higher.

Officials reported that as of Friday there were only 12 cases of Corona in the whole city of Wuhan which has a population of 11 million people. They claim that there are no new infections in Wuhan currently.

If the report is something to go by, the lockdown coupled with strict restriction on movement could help combat the pandemic

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