Friday, April 24, 2020

Some African Countries have no Ventilators at all!

The Covid19 pandemic has revealed a serious shortcoming in the equipping of hospitals. Currently ventilators are a basic requirement in hospitals in order to combat the virus yet most countries have fewer than can cater for its population. Here are some statics showing the number of ventilators per country:

South Sudan which has a population of 11 million people has only 4 ventilators. Liberia with a population of 5 million people has 6 ventilators. Somalia has no ventilator at all. Kenya has 259 ventilators, while Uganda has 55. Ethiopia has 557 ventilators while the DR. Congo with its massive population has only 3 ventilators. Nigeria has 169. The US which is the leading nation has 170,000 ventilators.

This statics has shown that equipping medical facilities has not been Africa's major priority. The price per ventilator has hiked from the normal $15,000 to $24,000 which has made it harder for poorer nations to acquirer the facilities.

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