Thursday, August 1, 2013

Quality control in kenya

Quality control, this is a process that controls and ensures that quality levels in goods and services are met,quality control measures, act as a watchdog in ensuring high levels of quality are maintained and quality control in Kenya has been incorporated in day to day business activities to ensure that goods and services provided are satisfactory by performing their intended functions.

Quality control in Kenya

Total quality control in Kenya is regulated by Kenya Bureau of Standards {KEBS}this organization in Kenya comprises of a quality team that identifies the processing a product or service, and ensures that employees involved in processing are highly trained.

Stages of quality control in Kenya 

Most  organizations have incorporated almost similar quality control stages which include
  • The first stage where quality control begins  is at the receiving stage where major defects are detected since they are visible.At this stage the quality control team ensures that there is no visible defects on the incoming material.
  • At the inspection stage , quality and quantity of the materials is verified .for example size color  and amount.if the product conforms to the set standards it is then accepted into the organization.
  • The main storage stage is where the inspected materials are taken after inspection, the store maintains and ensures that the materials are not damaged and in the right conditions.
  • At the production stage 'they ensure that the transformation of the product into a finished product is right and the personnel is highly trained to manufacture quality products.
  • The last stage is where design of the product takes place at this stage the product is examined whether it conforms with the specifications required.

Benefits of quality control 

  • Quality  control measures have an advantage in that there is prevention of defects and disorders since they are easily detected before any processes occur.
  • Quality control measures in Kenya are set so that products and services provided are in the correct order and they show uniformity
  • The manner in which a product or service satisfies  the intended function is determined by quality control and if they are not satisfying to the customer, supplier reliability can be evaluated.
  • It also lead to early detection of defects.

    Limitations of quality  control

    However quality control in Kenya also faces some challenges, 
  • when high defects are detected  a firm can incur losses hence  the profitability levels can go down.
  • most employees do not bother to work on the quality of work since the quality team already exists
  • rejected materials are very expensive to do away with hence you find that organizations still use materials with defects hence undermining quality.

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