Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to generate business ideas in Kenya

How to generate business ideas in Kenya

How do u generate a businesses idea, and out of the business idea  generated come  up with a business idea that is very successful? what business ideas in Kenya  are people using  to come up with  competitive business?here are some ideas on how to generate business ideas in Kenya.

  • most business ideas in Kenya have been generated from what Kenyans  train from, if one trains in a certain field then they are able to generate ideas from it,also through their hobbies and interests some are able to generate business ideas from it for example writing.
  • people are very keen on listening to what people say , this is actually a good way of generating an idea,by determining what people want, example first delivery of building materials then one can come up with an an idea of faster delivery of building materials.
  • combining two existing  business has also been used in generating business ideas in Kenya.For instance one can combine a salon and a barber shop all at the same place.or gas station and a garage together, that is generating an idea from two existing ones.
  • by identifying a market  one can easily come up with a business idea for example rural _ urban migration.,people need housing hence can develop a project on real estate or building a schools to cater for the rising children population.
  • business ideas in Kenya some of them have actually been generated  from waste for example the slum dwellers are recycling plastic to polythene bags,farmers recycle cow dung to bio gas.this is generation of an idea out of waste.
  • a business idea can also be generated by analyzing the weaknesses in a businesses and come  up with remedies to these  weakness for example branding their products or finding a reliable market for a product.
  • business ideas in Kenya have also been created by improving the existing ideas by making them more profitable ones ,for example  introducing technology into an already existing idea

Sources of business ideas in Kenya

  • Internet is a major source of identifying a businesses  idea from the Internet one is able to acquire important information and this creates room for one to generate a business idea.
  • Vocational training also helps in generating an idea since one can determine his area of expertise and generate from it.
  • observation is another source of business idea . Kenyans are creating opportunities through what they observe  for example rise of insecurity in the country they come up with security groups such as the G4s.
  • business experience is also another factor that helps in determining a business idea since through experience one is able to identify competitors, have industry contacts and knows what the customer wants
  • one can also generate ideas from reading journals and magazines this enables one to identify  information about different people and what  they want.

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